My news sources and information.

My news sources and information.

Many in the body have been asking what sources of information I use. That’s a great question. There are several people I respect like guest speakers at our conferences and I have asked them that very question. So over the years I have accumulated various sources. In the coming days and weeks I’ll be using this site to post the credible, reliable information I’m taking in to make decisions for the Church. You can make your own decisions but I believe I owe it to the body of Christ so they have all of the information. I’ve been passing these things on to the pastors, staff and elders all this year. I believe this is important because as 1 John says “the whole world is under the influence of the wicked one.” I’m not that old, but I can’t remember a time where it’s getting hard to get to the truth. As Isaiah said “Truth has fallen in the streets.” It’s as if Truth was personified as our champion, and what can we do if our champion has died? Now more than ever people need trusted sources.

I don’t have the gift to write, and I’m not particularly the best with grammar. So please forgive my spelling and grammar errors, I’ll do my best. Remember you can submit comments to each post. I’d love to interact with you!

Again, I’m trying to get this site going and there are some things I need to resolve before I begin posting things. Hang in there, be patient.


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